Amanda Cataneo

Program Manager for Professional Development

Amanda Cataneo, Ph.D. (she/ella/ela) is the Program Manager for Professional Development at the Maryland Initiative for Literacy and Equity (MILE), a collaborative partnership between University of Maryland and Morgan State University. She partners with schools and districts to design and implement comprehensive and job-embedded systems of professional learning that support multilingual learners.She received her doctorate from University of Maryland from the department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, specializing in Applied Linguistics and Language Education.
Her research focuses on dual language bilingual education, culturally responsive and critically conscious pedagogies, and teacher identity and education in dual language bilingual education. Dr. Cataneo’s past teaching experience includes teaching in dual language, transitional bilingual, sheltered instruction, newcomer, and inclusion settings in Denver, Boston, and Washington, DC. She has presented on research and practice at multiple conferences, including Maryland TESOL Conference, La Cosecha Dual Language Conference, NABE Conference, AAAL, TESOL, and AERA. She is currently the Second Vice President of Maryland TESOL.

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