Jade Wexler, Associate Director for Research, Quoted in LA Times

Jade Wexler (Associate Director of Research) was featured in an LA Times article, “Many High School Students Can’t Read. Is the Solution Teaching Reading in Every Class?” The piece spotlights practices at Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego, which incorporates reading instruction across all subjects to combat widespread reading deficits.

Wexler's grant work, supported by the Institute of Education Sciences and Office of Special Education Programs, has been critical in developing PACT Plus, a program for reading intervention in every subject, and AIM Coaching, a model designed to support the program’s implementation. The success of this intervention supports her ongoing research, funded since 2015.

Wexler is currently developing additional grant proposals for the Institute of Education Sciences. The first project aims to test AIM and PACT Plus in 48 middle schools in Maryland, while the other will develop AI-enhanced tools to support teachers further and improve the efficacy of PACT Plus lessons (IES)


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